Camping Top Tip #1

 Camping Top Tip #1

Always check over your tent, awnings, footprint (if used), guy ropes, and pegs before any trip. Is it there, have you got enough!

Whether you only used your tent last week or you are giving the tent it's first airing after being stored over the winter, this tip will save you so much hassle when setting up. We've all done the manic break our camp down quickly routine to either be off-site in time or beat the rain, and when packing the car, items just get placed in any available space. When unpacking at home not all items may be stored together.

The amount of people we read about and speak with, including ourselves who have left poles at home or forgotten that when unloading, the awning was stored in the shed, not the garage! It all makes for an unnecessary start to your holiday which can easily be avoided by sparing half an hour to check everything. Remember success is 90% preparation!


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