New to the UK... De Waard

Other than Karsten, there is one other manufacturer that epitomises the Dutch Tents... De Waard.

We are proud to announce that we will be adding the De Waard tents to our display collection of Dutch Tents at our next display in June, firmly establishing that with Karsten, ESVO & De Waard we really are the Dutch Tent specialists!

De Waard's origins date back to 1948. Machiel de Waard, who was a sailmaker for the Royal Netherlands Navy, designed the first tent at the Lepelaar campsite: the Albatros # 1. In the need for a tent that never topples over, he started drawing on the back of an envelope. The tent was designed in such a way that it could withstand strong gusts of wind and offered a nice home for a family.

Now, 70 years later, the Albatross still exists. Over the years, the tent continued to adapt to changing needs. Albatros # 4 was introduced in 2015. A tent with all the features as the original but adapted in size and functionality so that it also fits in with this time. The Albatros has not been alone for long. Again and again, we come up with new tents, each unique and in certain characteristics exactly the same.

Due to its high quality and long service life, a De Waard is not just a tent, but a tent for life. It is the place where you see your children grow up, where you have good conversations, where loves arise, where you decide to completely change your life and where you enjoy your old age. You don't use a De Waard, you live it. And, whether you travel the world with your tent or are at the same campsite every year when you hear the zipper open it feels like coming home.

For more information, please visit our website

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