A year in our Karsten

Guest Blog from Richard and Serena (Karsten Owners)

Hi James & Suzie

This time last year you were shovelling snow off your front lawn to show us the Karsten tents.

Since then we've spent a fantastic year trying out our purchases as often as we could and just thought we'd email to let you know how successful it's been.
We started off with a long weekend in Lyme Regis last April (photo with rainbow) when the days were sunny but the nights were perishing .The Karsten was warm and roomy even when filled with fellow camper friends who didn't want to go back to their own freezing tents...

June we took it to the wilds of the West Coast of Ireland for a fortnight (photo by water) where the famous Irish climate chucked just about everything possible at it. We were camped literally feet from the Atlantic Ocean but the Karsten barely noticed it was in the eye of the storm much
of the time. We slept like babies, the tent barely moved and we emerged several mornings to find we were the only units left standing. Smug or what!

Later a more sedate family camping trip on the IOW with just the cube- versatile & smug now!

A long weekend followed in the New Forest (photo from front of tent) where the family camping next to us spent more time being shown around our tent then they did living in theirs. The husband took the details & the wife looked very determined so they might yet join the Karsten brigade...It was hot & sunny & the Karsten was cool & shady - bliss.

Lastly we returned for a fortnight to Stiffkey, North Norfolk (sunset photo) where we originally met Sue & her Karsten which started it all off for us. Again we were 'blessed' with a real mix of challenging weather which the tent didn't even notice. The inflatable erection was watched with thinly veiled envy by a neighbour (‘they're watching it go up & are just standing there with BEER in their hands laughing!'). Later that neighbour also spent a fair amount of time in tent envy & writing down your details...

All great fun and a good test of how enjoyable camping can be even in terrible weather if the kit is right. No more hanging onto the tent poles for us from now on!

Richard and Serena

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