KTC - Midsummer Meet 2011

We have just returned from this years Club meet which took place at Hopleys Camping on the outskirts of Bewdley which is situated on the banks of the River Severn.

With the weather forecast to be atrocious, we packed the trailer expecting a re-run of the previous meet where all but one tent cancelled. But not this time...

We arrived on site to the joyful sight of a grey 350 in all it's glory and a burgundy 350 pitched a little further down. We took our 300 and 220 combination tent and also dragged my parents away with us, so they were staying in our 325 with sleeping extension.

It was great so see these all set up. Especially as were were also joined by a 350/350 combination set-up. Not only was this a big set-up it also had provision for a 240 to be added.

Friday night saw most of us sending out for take outs. We had fish and chips from Merchants in Bewdley. Absolutely delicious.

Friday night was on/off rain, with a reasonably dry start to Saturday morning. Again most people did their own thing during the day, including visits to the local town, the nearby Safari Park, whilst others took a leisurely ride on the Severn Valley Steam Railway.

Once the early dinner was over, and the children all tucked up, we all got together for a few drinks and laughter. It proved to be a thoroughly enjoyable evening with everyone having a great time. Just as it should be.

Sunday morning saw another break in the weather with all of the tents being taken down and deflated in the dry.

Everyone re-marked on the evening with questions raised as the date and location of the next one.

A big thank you to all. - For Pictures of the Meet - Click HERE


  1. Well done on dragging the parents along with you! Unfortunately mine arent so adventurous. Glad the meet was a success :)


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