
Showing posts with the label knutsford

Woodlands Park Campsite, Knutsford

We made it in good time to Knutsford just off the M6, and managed to meet the people interested in viewing the Karstens. We pitched a 350 with the Comfort / Front Wall and Rain Awning, which seemed to fit perfectly in the wooded area we were located to. Having shown the tent, we proceeded to spend the night and after a hearty home cooked pub meal, we tucked up for the night. It seemed strange sleeping in the 350; as we are used to four of us in the 300, the 350 seemed cavanas. The site is mainly static caravans, but the grass area we were on which was near to the toilets and water tap allowed for around 6 pitches. Although not really my kind of site, it was fit for purpose and very well run.