Blackmore CCC Site - Photoshoot

Been quite a busy time recently, and now we have just completed a stay of 2 days at the Blackmore CCC Site, to attend a photoshoot for the Camping & Caravanning Club Magazine. After a bit of a drive down, and arriving around 9.30pm in pitch black with the rain lashing down, we managed to pitch up in about 10 minutes and settle our heads down pretty quickly. We awoke to a glorious morning at about 5am as we were pitched on Crows row, and boy can they make a racket. After a basic breakfast, we met the CCC Team who were their testing their long-term tents at the other end of the field. Candy Evans and her team could not have been more welcoming. It was also great to meet Clive Garrett of Camping Magazine, who popped by for the goings on. Unfortunately, the bad weather delayed the photo shoot by a day. But eventually we pitched it and hopefully we will see the results in their magazine in the near future. As I type, we are just packing to leave for South Manchester for a further night ...